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Jiangxi Hengcheng Industrial Co., Ltd

 Contact us

Any questions? Want to know more? Contact us-we are very happy to answer your inquiry.

AddressNo. 7, Hangzhou Road, Economic Development Zone, Dongxiang District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province China


Manager Wang: 


Lily Zou:+86 17779448818 


1、Carry out corporate activities on the premise of protecting the earth's environment, establish and continuously improve an environmental management system that is compatible with it. Strictly abide by laws, regulations and other requirements related to the environment, proactively formulate corresponding standards, and implement management in accordance with their standards.

2、In order to maximize the use of limited resources, we actively promote energy conservation, recycling of waste products and reducing the emission of environmental hazards.

3、Try your best to use substances that have no influence on the environment to replace those that have influence on the environment. Actively carry out environmental publicity activities and do a good job in environmental education to improve the environmental awareness of all employees.

4. Make all employees aware of the environmental policy within the company, and disclose the environmental policy to external stakeholders when necessary to gain their understanding.

Environmental protection policy

This environmental policy was originally published in August 12, 2003. It is the basic environmental policy of Hengcheng Corporation and the entire Hengcheng enterprise including various branches. The company has always regarded the protection of the environment as one of the important issues of the company's operation, and made every effort to promote and promote the protection of the environment throughout the company. The gist of its basic environmental policy is as follows.

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